This week brought a true policy aha. Lately there has been a wave of tagging in the neighborhood I live in. You'd think an occasional police beat in the late night and early morning hours would be a decent deterrent, well, no evidence of that so far. Something much more inventive from government instead! It turns out that property owners are required by ordinance to clean up graffiti/tagging within 30 days or PAY A FINE to the City!
Doesn't this just get your creative juices gushing?! Think of the possibilities this portends - governments have at their disposal a virtually untapped new source of funds to confiscate - VICTIM TAXES! Need to report a crime? Why not a large reporting fee? Police come out to your broken-into car to tell you too bad? How about a hefty "annoyance" ticket for displaying a vandalized vehicle? Muni bus or train 30 minutes late? Watch out for the loitering fee! Property down in value? Sure, get it reassessed now - for a large fee! Or, just wait until the housing market comes back around to match your appraisal.
VICTIM TAXES! The road to a balanced budget, the wave of the future. You read it here first.
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