Since shortly after 911 the TSA became a self-justifying, make-work bureaucracy diminishing an already-poor air travel experience. Stronger cabin doors and pilots with firearms provide a good level of in-flight security. TSA cost-benefit analysis is oxymoronic. Even though common sense says TSA is a waste, it seems to have remarkable political staying power. What to do? Time to think outside the full-body scanning box!
If it is as yet politically impossible to do away with TSA (and for that matter, all of HS) then perhaps we could apply their vast pool of detail-focused, rule-driven spotters and pattern-recognizers to more productive purposes. A few suggestions:
1) Outreach to major cities. Mission: find and root out bedbugs. Good thing is, there are already plenty of TSA staff already positioned in every major city to do this work. Wahoo.
2) Effect a Private/Public partnership. Dispatch TSA workers with utility crews to inspect gas pipelines. Unlinke current assignment, absolutely certain to proactively save innocent lives.
3) Build trust in the financial system. Redirect TSA to track down "FraudClosureGate" robosigners.
4) Help law enforcement. TSA would be perfect to assist enforcement of the recent wave of legislation around the country making it illegal to sit, lie or sleep on sidewalks and park benches. The best part is TSA staff doesn't have to just "move 'em along"... they can teach the unfortunate and indigent how to sleep standing up, with their eyes open.
Now sit back, relax, and enjoy your flight.
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