The Super Bowl, that annual annointing of "world champions" is a fascinating microscopic take on what's up with the USA. It reminded me of the quote "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
Green Bay gets huge high-fives for character and keeping the American Underdog Dream fully alive and well. I'm thinking San Francisco and Green Bay should become sister cities - let's call them Champions of the Improbable! Having a Cal alum at the victorious helm didn't hurt the sentimental value one bit, either. Aaron Rodgers deserves the credit he got for poise and perseverance despite setbacks larger and smaller.
Now, on the flip side... I luckily missed the butchering of the national hamthem but given what I saw in the halftime extra//g-nzA all is not well in wonderland. With all the money thrown at that production, it was amazing to see mixing board screwups - woah - who is singing now?! and the hopefully-non-freudian lighting system fubar with LO 'E. Yep, all you need is LO 'E. The LED body lighting on the field dancers was pretty cool, but having a major chunk of stage lighting OFFd for the event was pretty poor. No doubt someone has been blamed and executed but that was a team failure. Kind of like the team failure we're experiencing at the hands of the banksters and their feddie buddies QB'd by ChairSatan (hat tip to Bill Gross) Genocide Ben Bernanke.
If Heads is the Packers and Tails is the Halftime Show, the COIN ITSELF has to go to Apple, with their "Two is Better than One" iPhone megabrag. Yep, what could be better than having all the long-suffering AT&T i-victims have to go buy a new iPhone for the incompatible Verizon network. Slick. How many of those AT&T phones are going to be popping up on Craigslist and Ebay soon?
The Peas are still clinging to Hope and Change You Can Believe In. I think I'll stick with the Underdog Dream.
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