Sunday, July 10, 2011

Stop Blaming John Maynard Keynes

It took years for mainstream media to catch on that deficit spending in a deflationary bust isn't a panacea.  Oops... is there a problem in our r-e-c-o-v-e-r-y???  The only context of recovery I might go along with is that of an addict taking a break from the original addiction.   But let's be fair.  Let's not blame John Maynard Keynes.  Yes, QE1, QE2 and QE to the X were and will be unproductive at best and accelerate our Depression at worst.  But it's not JMK's fault. Really.

If you have ever worked in the software business you'll see a strong parallel to the old curse of RTFM.  Most user calls for technical support arise because the user won't invest any time in learning about how the application works.  So, when it doesn't work, they blame the application and make an irate call to technical support.  After the polite technical support staff have answered the question and pointed said user in the right direction, they hang up and curse at each other, RTFM! (Read the F****** Manual!).

Our economic leaders and soothsayers are just like those misguided software users.  RTFM, boyz and girlz!   It's time to stop blaming Keynes for your own incompetence and chicanery.  One of the core precepts from Keynes (it was right there in his "Getting Started" section) was the assumption that deficit spending to accelerate prosperity would be undertaken by a CREDITOR nation.   All our fool leaders who are jacking up the deficit spend may not have noticed that we aren't exactly a creditor nation... more like a deadbeat-to-be.

So stop blaming Keynes.  Everyone back to your favorite survival strategies.  Leadership elites, back to your plundering and burning of civilization.

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