And now for another baffling government statistics data point - strangely, employment in the 20-24 age group just shot up in September: "Cutting to the chase: the September surge in Seasonally Adjusted jobs give to 20-24 year old is the biggest in decades. This is on top of the only positive NSA increase in 20-24 year old jobs in history."
The 2010 census was used to manipulate employment stats - census dept *hired* boatloads of workers (for like 1 or 2 weeks - I was one and there were plenty others in my zipcode - we went to some classes and then were let go.) Anything that can be used to make fudge will be.
If we dig enough we'll probably find a trigger like the infamous birth/death model stipulating that college students with financial aid have an employment requirement ergo they must be employed... what month do all the student loans re-up?
But all the government data fudging won't change the plainly visible facts of our so-called recovery - the shuttered shops, offices, factories and company hq; empty homes being kept from foreclosure sale, zombie homeless everywhere, huge turnouts to hiring cattle-calls for any job with some benefits, rapidly rising prices for basic commodities.
Freedom will only be restored when financial criminals are punished, bad banks are allowed to fail, and market pricing is allowed to function again. All the incentives today favor crony capitalism, dishonesty and turpitude. The values that anchored this country's successes have been put in a perverse lockbox. Is there a viable peaceful solution?
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