Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring Cleaning

Spring is definitely here.  Nature is doing its part to remind us that it's a great gift to be alive and experiencing what is.  Our consciences can take it from there - what we ought to do to honor life.  

And so, to that end, a good ritual, getting the crud out.  De-hibernating, sweeping the den.  Pretty straightforward to do in our little private lives.  Vexingly difficult at the level of the human hive.  Where to begin?

Almost everyone I talk with is sick of spin-world, scams and corrupt crony capitalism.   Let me humbly suggest a spring cleaning to refresh our reeling society.

1) Put an end to career politics.  No career politics = no escalating networks of corruption.  Everyone should serve in public office - ONCE.  And then, no more.  Whatever you did, you did it.  For a year, or maybe two. Then get out.  Next.  It's service, remember?  Not institutionalized theft by criminal dynasties.

2) Rein in and shrink unelected government bureaucracy.  When elected political careers go away, unelected Mandarins can hold sway.  But not if we get serious about sunsetting and privatizing government.  There is no reason to unthinkingly spawn and grow government agencies that have proven they have no fiduciary duty to their taxpayer funders.  How about that TSA?

3) Move from a secrecy-driven and manipulated fiat money system to hard money.  This is virtually impossible to even consider until we do #1 and #2.  No pun intended.  100 years of the Federal Reserve controlling the supply of US money has diminished the value of the Dollar by 95%.  Good thing no one lives long enough to see ALL their savings decimated.  Just most of them.  Government can spend and spend and increase debt for a long time, counting on the fact that the debt will be greatly devalued.  The only losers are savers and fixed-incomers... are there any savers left or am I the only idiot?

We all have our own closets, basements and attics to clean in the Spring.  Collectively, we've just put it off for way too long.  We owe it to our kids, grandkids and beyond.