Monday, May 7, 2012

Cherry Blossoms in San Francisco

I needed a break from lamenting the quotidian affairs of monkeys, er, humans.  The Cherry Blossoms in San Francisco have been especially beautiful this year.  Their time is one of those magic passages.  This little soundbyte came to me thinking about them.  Close your eyes and hope you enjoy the blossoms.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Voting in 2012 is Like Licking a Toilet Clean

Both candidates are owned by the global crime syndicate otherwise known as central and money center banks. These guaranteed nominations of the Grublicans and the Dumbocrats have the banksters high-fiving with assured victory in their conquest of the nation that was formerly known as the constitutional republic of the United States of America.  Uncle Sam, it was nice knowin' ya.

It doesn't matter which of these heinous puppets wins... so at least let's have an exciting third-party or independent candidacy to remind us there can be alternatives to debt slavery and a global race to the bottom.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Protestors Beat Up on 99%; Police Can't Even Help Themselves

Today's SF Chronicle features a sad story of a crumbling civil society -

Last night, masked shitheads marched down Valencia Street, one of San Francisco's hard-working local biz spots, breaking windows and throwing paint on stores and parked vehicles.  They even broke windows on the Mission Police Station.  One, count 'em,  ONE... individual was arrested... and released.

WTF SFPD?   Now I don't expect the paper tiger that is SFPD (what do you expect a bunch of pensioners to do anyway, the biggest cost in SFPD's budget?) will suddenly become some knight in shining armor.  But come on, can't protect your own building?

As to the protestors, these bumfucks might want to consider watching themselves; forget the Police.  Polite  citizens are becoming more impolite with each attack on decency and the hardworking.  The anarchist numbnutzes aren't making any impact on the 1% we hear so much about.  This sorry episode, like the Occupy Farce preceding it, disrupts the lives and livelihoods of working folk.  Between gangs, the shiftless, the unmannered drunk/high, the City already has too much scum on its plate.  The situation is becoming ripe for a vigilante backlash.  The script has already been written in other countries with torn social fabric.   Sad to see it coming, but when people get fed up...