Thursday, December 30, 2010

What Recommendations Have You Given and Received Recently?

All of us give recommendations and referrals.  Who/what have you recommended or referred within the last month?  Referral is such an essential, automatic part of being human that we do it almost unconsciously.  I've moved recently, so maybe my referral activity level both  in and out is elevated.  But stopping to think about it, it almost traces my life.  Here are some (I can't remember all) of the referrals I've given and received in just the past month!

places to enjoy live music
off-leash dog park
dim sum
auto glass
gardening services
moving services
lighting store
land use attorney
land use expediter
historical preservation consultant
home security installer and monitoring service

What about you?  How much of your economic activity is significantly influenced by this automatic referral network we all live in?  I bet it's surprising when you think how much.

New Years' Resolution:  Give and Receive more recommentations and referrals!

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